Get Peace of Mind with a Home Monitoring System
Running out of heating oil can be more than an inconvenience. A run-out in the winter, especially when you are not home, could result in costly damage from a freeze-up. Even in other seasons, a run-out usually requires a visit from a technician to restart your heating system and conduct safety checks to make sure your system is functioning properly.
A home monitoring system is a smart investment even for our customers on Automatic Delivery. For those customers, we use a sophisticated computer system to keep track of their heating oil usage and automatically make deliveries before there is any danger of a run-out. However, freeze-up problems can still occur if the heating oil tank is full but the heating system breaks down. Two of the systems we offer can monitor temperature and burner lockout to prevent conditions that could lead to frozen pipes.
Why not get peace of mind with a home monitoring system? Call us at (508) 696-5959 to learn more.

Beckett Home Monitoring System
The Beckett Home Monitoring System measures the heating oil level in your tank and transmits that information to a small wireless receiver plugged into an outlet in a convenient place in your home. The receiver provides visual and audible warning when the heating oil level is low, so you can call Island Energy to schedule a delivery.
This system is ideal for Will Call customers who live on-island year-round.

Internet or Cellular-Based Home Monitoring System
Our Internet or Cellular-Based Home Monitoring System can send fuel level, temperature, and burner status information to Island Energy's central monitoring system. If your tank level or temperature drops below pre-determined levels, or if your burner stops working, our dispatchers immediately receive e-mail and text notifications and can schedule a delivery or service call right away. This system is ideal for Automatic Delivery customers.
For seasonal residents who keep their Internet service active throughout the year, the information is sent to Island Energy via the Internet through a secure device that plugs into your home Internet router.
For seasonal residents who shut off their Internet service in the fall and winter seasons, we offer a cellular-based system, too.